What to bring to summer camp
- Sleeping bag and pillow
- Camp clothing for indoor and outdoor activities
- Toiletries – shampoo, washcloth, towel, toothbrush etc.
- Runners and sandals
- Swimsuit (modest) and towel
- Sunscreen and hat (essential!)
- Insect repellent
- Water bottle (also available in our Tuck Shop)
- Bible (we have extra if you do not own one)
- Camp Dishes (FORT CAMP ONLY – campers require a plate, bowl, cup and cutlery)
*It is crucial that you label all clothing and items. There are many misplaced items. Items with a name on them are much easier to return to the owner.
**Please do not bring any electrical devices (iPods/MP3s, cell phones or game/web devices). Electronic devices will be confiscated and kept in the office, they will be returned at the end of the week.
How much money should I put in my child’s Tuck Account?
NONE! Tuck (2 snack items a day) is included in the registration fee amount. The camp store will be open on Opening and Pick-up days if you would like to purchase t-shirts, water bottles or other camp items. Some merchandise can be pre-purchased during registration (Until May 15).
How can I contact my child if there is an emergency?
To contact a camper in an emergency situation, please call the camp office at 403-792-3644. After hours you may need to leave a message but messages are checked periodically each evening.
How will I know if you received my registration?
We will send our email confirmation package upon receipt of your registration. Please read through the confirmation information and contact us immediately if you have any questions. It is important that you mark info@sabc.ca in your address book so your confirmation package does not end up in your junk mailbox.
When do I find out about my camper's activities/activity fees?
Activities are assigned a few days before the start of camp for Adventure, Explore, and Plunge campers. If you have selected an activity with an additional fee and your camper is assigned to that activity(s) you will see a charge come through on your credit card. If you did not pay with a credit card you can bring cash on opening day. Campers will find out their activities when they arrive at their cabins.
*Activities for other camps are scheduled for an overall experience.
**Activities at the Fort are chosen daily by the camper.
What kind of meals/snacks are included for my child?
We offer 3 nutritional, well balanced meals with lots of fruits and vegetables. If your child has special dietary allergies or concerns please note this on your application. Our staff will contact you the week prior if we have any questions. We work hard to accommodate special dietary needs. There will also be an evening snack and tuck time once a day.
How do I know if there is room for my child to come to camp?
To find out you can check availability on our camp pages on this website. The number listed beside each camp represents how many spots remain. It is updated regularly but is not a live representation.
Is there financial aid for families who can't afford the registration fees?
We believe every child should have the opportunity to attend camp. We realize that for some, financial limitations may hinder camp attendance. We want every child to come to camp and have set up different payment options and camperships to make this possible. Visit this page linked below to find out more about our different options and how you can apply for campership. We desire that every camper have the chance to adventure at SABC and want to work with you to help your child experience Summer Camp! Camperships are not available for multiple camps per child in a calendar year.
Where can I find more information about family camp?
You can learn all about our week of family camp here!
Our Staff
We are already praying for a strong and dynamic staff team. This incredible group of young adults will lead, play alongside, and support your camper through each day full of fun activities, creative games, exciting chapels and quiet cabin times. Prior to any staff member arriving we require an in-depth application, three references and criminal record check. Staff must also sign their full agreement with our values and code of conduct. We also require First Aid Training for all cabin leaders and leadership staff.
Medical Needs
We have a qualified Camp Health Care Coordinator on site for all camps. This staff is responsible for administering all medications, checking cabins and taking care of all injuries. Our summer staff are supported by our full-time staff members who have completed Wilderness First-aid. Please bring all medication (prescription and non-prescription) that your child needs in their original containers and in a zip lock bag or pharmacy bubble pack. Also, let us know if there are any medical conditions that may be affected by your child’s stay with us. We do provide basic medications (i.e. Tylenol, Benadryl, etc) and require permission in the registration process to administer while your child is at camp. ***No medications or vitamins are permitted in the cabins.
Your child will be staying in a cabin in one of our cabin circles. Our cabins are outfitted with bunk beds for each camper and their cabin leader. Each cabin circle has a wash house nearby, and drying lines for bathing suits and towels. All you need is a sleeping bag and pillow for sleeping arrangements and towels and toiletries for your stay. Any cabin mate requests must be received at least 7 days prior to camp starting, campers must be the same gender, and within 1 year of age.
Phone Calls and Homesickness
Homesickness is a very natural and common occurrence. In our experience, homesickness often occurs at the beginning of the week and usually subsides before mid-week. Oftentimes calling home amplifies homesickness emotions, so we don't have campers call home immediately, we will do our best to help your camper have the best experience. If your camper continues to be homesick, we will contact you first and work together with you to find a solution.
Cancellation Policy
If cancellation is made two weeks or more prior to Opening Day, all fees, less a $40 deposit and any specified donation, will be refunded. No refund of camp fees will be given if cancellation occurs less than two weeks prior to session, except for medical reasons (doctor’s note is required). No refund will be given for dismissal due to disciplinary action, late arrival, or early departure. If camp is canceled by SABC, a full refund, less a $10 deposit due to administration costs, will be issued.
Opening and Closing Day
Drop-off is between 7pm and 8pm on the first day of camp. Pick-up times are listed below by cabin circle.
Fortside Camps
(Fort Elementary, Junior High and High School) |
Lakeside Camps
(Quest, Pursuit, Splash, Volleyball) |
Lodge and Hillside Camps
(Explore, Plunge, Adventure, Voyage) |
Closing Chapel at 3:30pm | Closing Chapel at 3:45pm | Closing Chapel at 4:30pm |
*Supper at 4:30pm | Supper at 4:30pm | Supper at 5pm |
*Supper will be provided at the Lodgeside dining hall for all camps.
How to Pay?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, money orders, e-transfers, cheques & post dated cheques.
*A $40 deposit is required to hold your campers spot full payment must be received prior to the campers arrival.